Post Masonry – Masonry Grid

[s7upf_text_header text=”Post Masonry Grid Features” margin_bottom=”17″]
  • Custom post type source
  • Custom total items
  • 3 style display(Show all, Load more button, Lazy load)
  • 39 item styles
  • Show/hidden Filter
  • Set items per row
  • Set gap between grid items
  • 3 style of animation load(None, Default, Fade In)
  • 20 item product styles
  • Order / Sort order items
  • Design load more button
  • Design filter list
  • Custom filter list
  • Advanced design options
[s7upf_text_header text=”Masonry Grid” sub_text=”Item style: Default” margin_bottom=”17″]
[s7upf_text_header text=”Masonry Fade In” sub_text=”Item style: Fade In” margin_bottom=”17″]
[s7upf_text_header text=”Masonry Grid icon” sub_text=”Item style: Icon slide out” margin_bottom=”17″]
[s7upf_text_header text=”Masonry Grid Slide” sub_text=”Item style: Slider from left” margin_bottom=”17″]
[s7upf_text_header text=”Masonry Grid Go top” sub_text=”Item style: Go top” margin_bottom=”17″]
[s7upf_text_header text=”Masonry Grid Overlay” sub_text=”Item style: Ovelay with rotation” margin_bottom=”17″]
[s7upf_text_header text=”Masonry Grid Blur” sub_text=”Item style: Blur out” margin_bottom=”17″]
[s7upf_text_header text=”Masonry Grid Scale” sub_text=”Item style: Scale with rotation” margin_bottom=”17″]
[s7upf_text_header text=”Masonry Grid Slide” sub_text=”Item style: Slide out from right” margin_bottom=”17″]
[s7upf_text_header text=”Masonry Grid Slide” sub_text=”Item style: Slide with content” margin_bottom=”17″]